Martine Gregoire


Painting is a true passion for me. I have always loved art, drawing, sculpture, painting, visiting museums....  and finding my brushes every day is a great joy.

Years of lessons, internships (with Casimir Ferrer, Isabelle Sarian...) and daily practice have allowed me to evolve, gain in technique but above all to define my favorite subjects, my palette and thus create my universe over the years.

My working themes are portraits, silhouettes of women, children of the world, who through their looks, their clothes, accessories, colors, will convey a story but also the flowers and seascapes. Each painting is a favorite and I love painting the hydrangeas and peonies in my garden as much as the pretty low tides in my region near La Rochelle.

I mainly paint in oil which allows me to work with shades and fades in soft, powdery colors.

I like each painting to have an atmosphere, a universe and to provide an emotion to the person who will look at it.

Visitors to my exhibitions often tell me that spending a moment looking at my paintings brought them a lot of well-being and emotion. For me it's the most beautiful compliment.

Artist on the Akoun side

Artist from the Galerie Arnaud in La Rochelle

Artist from Artsper, d'Artsy, international galleries

Artist of Artbook Éditions

Oct 2022. Prize of Excellence for Oil Portrait at the Salon International des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle for my painting Salomé

July 2021. Prize of excellence from the Lions Club at the Salon des Arts Plastiques in La Rochelle for my painting "Couleurs Africaines"

October 2020: Portrait Excellence Prize at the Salon International des Arts Plastiques in La Rochelle for my painting LES ROSES ROUGES

Nov.2019: Public Prize for my painting "The little gypsy" at the 6th Salon des Beaux Arts organized by the Espace Culturel Leclerc in Lagord-La Rochelle.

July 2019: Crédit Agricole La Rochelle Prize for my painting "Ambiance glamour" during the 33rd Salon d’Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle

2019. Illustration with one of my paintings "DOUCEUR" from the cover of Katia VERBA's latest novel "The Prey of St Leonard of the Woods"

Prize of the town of Chatelaillon Plage during the competition organized by Les amis de l Art 17 in October 2016

1st Public Prize for one of my children's paintings " Child in orange hat" during the 4th Salon des Beaux Arts organized by ' Leclerc Cultural Space of LAGORD in December 2017


2023-2023 Stage AQUARELLE avec Nadine Dieulefit France
2022-2022 Stage Abstrait avec Isabelle SARIAN France
2009-2021 Suivi de cours auprès d'une peintre plasticienne La Rochelle, France
2017-2017 Stage avec le peintre CASIMIR FERRER CHATELAILLON-PLAGE, France
2016-2016 Stage avec le peintre CASIMIR FERRER CHATELAILLON PLAGE, France
Martine Gregoire

The artist at work

Artist value certified: Martine Gregoire's works have been evaluated by an independent expert.

Certification 2020 : €550.00 ($574.04)
Certification has been established by Jacques-Armand Akoun on Sep 25, 2020.
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Prizes and Awards

2022 Prix d’Excellence du Portrait à l’huile au Salon International des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle pour ma toile SALOMÉ France

2021 Prix d’Excellence du Lions Club au Salon des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle pour ma toile COULEURS AFRICAINES France

2020 Prix d’Excellence du Portrait au Salon International des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle pour ma toile LES ROSES ROUGES France

Solo Expositions

2022 Exposition personnelle à l’Espace Carnot de Châtelaillon Plage du 18 au 24 juillet France

2021 Exposition personnelle à l’Espace Carnot de Châtelaillon Plage du 19 au 25 juillet France

2021 Exposition personnelle à Saint Savinien du 26 juin au 2 juillet France

2020 Exposition Espace Carnot CHATELAILLON PLAGE, France

2019 Exposition Espace Carnot CHATELAILLON PLAGE, France

2018 Galerie ESQUIE LA ROCHELLE, France

2018 Exposition Espace Carnot CHATELAILLON PLAGE, France

Collective Expositions

2022 Exposition Salon International des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle du 20 octobre au 4 novembre France

2022 Exposition de portraits et fleurs à la Galerie du Passage à Latresne près de Bordeaux en Avril France

2022 Exposition de marines à la Galerie Arnaud à La Rochelle du 3 juillet au 23 septembre France

2022 Exposition Les Amis de l’Art 17 à l’Espace Carnot de Châtelaillon Plage en Avril et Août France

2021 Exposition de portraits à la Galerie du Passage à Latresne près de Bordeaux en septembre France

2021 Exposition Les Amis de l’Art 17 à l’Espace Carnot de Châtelaillon Plage en Avril e tAoût France

2020 Salon International LA ROCHELLE, France

2019 Exposition LA HALLE AUX ARTISTES MARANS, France


2019 Exposition Salon ARTS ATLANTIC LA ROCHELLE, France

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